Dental Bridge VS Implant: What’s the Difference?

Losing a tooth, or multiple teeth is an unpleasant experience that many people go through at some point during their lifetime. Thankfully, dental technologies and procedures have vastly improved over the years, and now there are many tooth replacement options that can restore smiles to their former glory.

The two most popular tooth replacement options are dental bridges and dental implants. Familiarizing yourself with these tooth restoration methods will help you pick the right one for you and get the result you want. Read on to learn more about the major differences between dental bridges and dental implants.

What Is the Difference Between a Dental Bridge and an Implant?

A dental bridge is an aesthetic prosthesis that bridges the gap between two or more natural teeth. A pair of crowns are attached to natural teeth on either side of the gap and an artificial tooth in between these crowns acts as a replacement for the missing tooth. While dental bridges will cover the gap where your tooth once was, they are not actually affixed to your jaw.

By contrast, a dental implant is composed of a titanium post that acts as a tooth root as well as a crown. The titanium posts are surgically inserted into the jawbone and fuse to it through a process formally known as osseointegration. Once the osseointegration process is done, an abutment is attached to the post-frame and a dental crown is cemented or screwed on.

The Treatment Process

The treatment process for dental implants is much more extensive than the treatment process for dental bridges and multiple steps are required over a period of months to complete the procedure. This is because a dental implant mimics a natural tooth root and functions just like a real tooth would.

Anchoring a titanium post into the jawbone requires surgery and it typically takes three to six months for bone to develop around the implant. Following the development of bone, a post is attached, at which point the surrounding gum tissue needs time to heal. This can take several more months, though it’s important to bear in mind that everyone heals at different rates.

Since dental bridges are not affixed to the jawbone, putting them in does not require surgery. A dental bridge procedure can usually be completed in a few weeks.

Differences In Cost

The dental implant procedure is much more complex than the dental bridge procedure, and it requires more time and attention to detail. As such, the cost of dental implants is typically much higher than the cost of dental bridges. It is important to remember, however, that just like with any other purchase or procedure, you get what you pay for.

Long-Term Effects

When deciding which tooth replacement option is best suited to you, it’s important to consider the long-term impacts of dental bridges versus dental implants. While a cheaper price and less invasive procedure may seem like a more ideal scenario on the surface, taking the easy route when it comes to your oral health does come with ramifications.

Dental bridges are not a permanent solution to missing teeth and they only last between eight to 15 years on average, at which point they need to be replaced. Since dental bridges do not replace the root of your tooth, you may experience jawbone deterioration, which can greatly affect your appearance and oral health. In addition, the way dental bridges are put in place requires significant parts of the neighbouring teeth to be removed and, over time, they can be more vulnerable to decay.

Dental implants, on the other hand, are a structurally sound replacement that can last for a lifetime and require very little maintenance. They don’t put any strain on surrounding teeth and the implant inserted into the jaw prevents any bone loss from occurring.

At Bond Street Dental Implants Toronto, our periodontists are always happy to answer any and all questions. We pride ourselves on providing top-of-the-line dental services, including dental implants, All On 4 Dental implants, and wisdom teeth removal, at our oral surgery clinic. Contact us today to learn more about our cosmetic dentistry offerings

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About The Author - Bond Street Dental

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