All posts in General Dentistry

Top 10 Things You Should Know About Yellow Teeth

Top 10 Things You Should Know About Yellow Teeth

No one likes it when their teeth are yellow but many feel there isn't much they can do about it. A lack of knowledge about treatments is one of the many things affecting people seeking help with their yellow teeth. The truth is people don't...

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Top Foods That Cause Tooth Decay

Top Foods That Cause Tooth Decay

The majority of people have dealt with tooth decay at one point or another during their lifetime, and it isn’t a pleasant experience, to say the least. Do fillings or root canals ring a bell, anyone? Tooth decay occurs when your enamel softens and damages...

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The Advantages of Smiling

The Advantages of Smiling

Think back to your fondest memories. It’s middle school and you’re hitting the ball out of the park at your baseball city finals, securing your team champion status. It’s a warm summer day and you’re holding hands with your special someone beneath a floral arch....

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When are Dental Fillings Required?

When are Dental Fillings Required?

While a trip to the dentist is usually never fun, sometimes it’s necessary to keep your smile looking, feeling and functioning at its best. One of the most common reasons people need dental care – aside from regular cleanings, of course – is because they...

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The Importance of Flossing

The Importance of Flossing

Flossing is nobody’s favourite task. Any Toronto dental clinic has likely heard a patient complain about how they consistently forget to floss, don’t have the time, find it uncomfortable and many other excuses along those lines. Many patients undergoing serious dental surgery, however, begin to...

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Signs and Symptoms of Mouth Cancer

Signs and Symptoms of Mouth Cancer

One of the most unfortunate ailments that can befall an individual is to get cancer. Cancer is a disease that tears families apart from the inside out. There are a wide range of common cancer types that strike individuals when they’re least expecting. Eating wholesome,...

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Everything You Need to Know about Tooth Extractions

Everything You Need to Know about Tooth Extractions

The idea of having one of your teeth extracted may be intimidating but tooth extractions are a routine dental procedure and they are nothing to be afraid of. Knowing more details about this oral surgery will help alleviate any nerves that come with it. Here...

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How to Maintain Stellar Oral Health

How to Maintain Stellar Oral Health

Like so many other aspects of our health, the best medicine for your teeth is preventative care. Anything you can do to help maintain your oral health and keep your gums and teeth happy will serve you greatly as you get older. The Mayo Clinic...

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Everything You Need To Know About Cavities

Everything You Need To Know About Cavities

  If you have a sweet tooth and can’t resist your daily dose of chocolate, it can be hard to adjust your eating habits. While it may seem like there is not much harm in eating a treat every now and then, it can be...

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